Exciting News for 2024!
I'm relocating to Orange County in January! I will remain available at the same email, phone and website.
As I look back on this past year, I am thrilled to have rolled out a new website, and new logo, and do a deep dive into the realm of Early Inclusion and Universal Design for Learning. I did not get as involved with ElderTech as I had hoped, but I was very pleased to have done some work with adults in the Regional Center system. All of these things I hope to continue in 2024.
Now for the big announcement- as of January, I will be located in Orange County, CA! I am excited about the move. I am looking forward to connecting with the Regional Center there to become a vendor, and also connecting with other programs I can partner with (TASK, Goodwill, etc). I remain available to provide virtual services, and as soon as I have completed my move, I will let you know that I am open for in-person business! My contact information will remain the same- same email, same phone number, same website.
I want to thank you for helping me get started in my business. It has been a learning journey, one I am proud of, and so pleased to have all of your support. I hope you all enjoy a happy, relaxing holiday season, and I wish you all good health and joy for the new year! Here’s to new adventures in the new year!