Summer Happenings!


Free webinar with TASK June 4th! I will also be spending the summer creating free resource sheets on built-in tools and apps you can purchase to help maintain independence. Keep an eye out for those!

older gentleman using ipad

     Now that I have been in my new location for 6 months (already!), I thought I’d update you on what I have been up to, and how I will be moving forward.  

     I have made some great connections here in Orange County and the LA area.  I am presenting a free webinar with TASK on June 4th, on “Tools for Social Engagement and Independent Living Supports”, from 10 am-noon.  You can find out more about it, and register, here

    I have connected with AbilityTogether, which provides disability advocacy and information in health care, and we both see a need for more information and training on tools available to help older adults remain as independent as possible, for as long as possible.  As a result of this connection, I am creating several free resource sheets to be shared with them, and with you, on tools available as built-in features of cell phones, or apps that can be added, to help maintain independence.  I will start with built-in tools on iPhones and iPads, as 80% of the individuals here use iDevices. I will categorize the tools by how they can help; tools that help with vision, tools that help those experiencing hearing loss, tools that help with navigation, and tools that help with memory.   I will be rolling these out this summer- so keep an eye out on both their website and mine!