“Play is a human right”

Microsoft Ability Summit 2022

I attended the Microsoft Ability Summit yesterday, and this quote stood out for me.  They highlighted many great tools (a summary can be found here) but what stood out for me is that gaming, particularly online gaming, is a great tool to bring diverse populations, including those with disabilities, together.  With the right tools, anyone can be a gamer. So this blog post is all about where to find accessible gaming tools and accessible games.

Xbox adaptive controller with a green switch, a red switch and a standard XBox controller.

First, the website, Lifezest, did a great post last year on adaptive gaming controllers.  It can be found here: https://lifezest.co/adaptive-gaming-controllers/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=adaptive-gaming-controllers 

But we all know there is more to gaming than the controller.  The website, OneSwitch, is a great resource for those who have the ability to use a switch to play games.  These games are great tools to improve switch use and are appropriate for all ages. https://www.oneswitch.org.uk/ 

Another great website for switch users is by Ian Bean, SENICT.  This website has a lot of switch games, that again can help early switch users gain skills.  There are also games that eye-gaze users can use. https://www.ianbean.co.uk/senict-members-resource-portal/ 

Play really is a human right, and we all know that everyone learns more when they are engaged, and having fun.  These are just some tools for gaming that are available.

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