September Happenings

September is here already- hard to believe that summer is just about over, and Fall is upon us!  I took a look at my September calendar, and realized I did not let you know all the things I am doing.  So, first, let me highlight my (free!) on-line presentation I am doing with Parents Helping Parents, under their Connections California program.  It is Sept 14th in the evening, on-line, and it is called “Building Your Assistive Tech Toolkit for Independent Living”.  This is a topic that is really interesting to me, as it is not just for adults with intellectual disabilities from birth- many of the tools I will be sharing information on can also be very effective for those with acquired brain injuries, or who are experiencing cognitive decline due to dementia or other factors.  I hope you can join me! 

Two men looking at each other with smiles, one of whom has Downs Syndrome.

In addition, I have been hard at work making videos for a contract I  have with a school district, all about creating inclusive preschool and daycares, and the adaptive equipment that can help.  I am hoping to get permission from the school district to share these videos publicly.  They all contain such good information, even if the video quality is, well, definitely home-made! 
Finally, it has just been confirmed that I will be doing a presentation on “Playgroups for Late Talkers” on Oct 4th.  This is a topic that parents wanted- how do you include those late talkers into a playgroup in a meaningful way, so they can learn to make friends?  So much to unpack- and they only gave me one hour!  I am excited about this one as well! As soon as I have the registration information, I will let you know.  

I really hope to see you at one of my upcoming presentations- and if you are interested in having me work with you and your family/classroom, fill out this form.   

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