Teaching Internet Safety

I am working with a young lady currently, and one of her goals is to be more independent on her iPad and computer.  I am sure she will be able to be more independent once everything is set up for her- but I also want to be sure she knows about Internet Safety.  I gathered some resources for her and her caregivers- and I thought I would share them with all of you!  

Beware What You Share sign

First, there are several games and curricula that focus on teaching internet safety.  One is by Google- 


Common Sense Media also gathered information on the curriculum that is available for teaching internet safety.  


For those who learn best by video, here are two videos that focus on how to stay safe online. 

5 Internet Safety Tips for Kids

Online safety Staying safe online FREE RESOURCE

And for those who learn best through song, here is an internet safety song.

Cyber Safe Internet Safety Song 

Of course, nothing beats the oversight of a primary caregiver/parent for the online activity going on.  Keep an eye out, and ask to see whom they are chatting with and connecting with online.  And encourage them to talk with you anytime they aren’t sure about a person, or what they are asking.  It is possible to be internet safe, for everyone!

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