Implementing AT- do you have a plan?

I recently just finished two different AT evaluations for various school districts and very diverse learners.  One was a 6th-grade learner who used Alternative Communication (iPad with an app), and they weren’t using it much in school.  They were wondering if another tool may be better.  Another was a learner who was in middle school…

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What’s New in Assistive Technology?

The big Consumer Electronic show just wrapped up in Las Vegas, and I saw some posts about some of the upcoming products that may become available.  This led me to search for what is new in the world of Assistive Technology.  What tools are up-and-coming that can positively impact people with disabilities?   Anything new…

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Looking Back, Looking Forward

I wanted to reflect on my first year as an Independent businesswoman and look forward to my plans and goals for next year.  It has been a learning journey, challenging and rewarding, and indeed a reconfirmation of my passion- helping individuals and their teams incorporate Assistive Technology into their lives, so they can reach their…

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Tools to make Halloween easier for all

Many children love Halloween- what’s not to love about dressing up in a costume, and getting treats just by saying “Trick or Treat”?  But for some children, it can uncomfortable- a big change in routine, different clothes against their skin, and just not being sure of what to say, or being unable to say it.…

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Early Inclusion is Belonging

My passion, my platform, is that early inclusion of all children is fundamental- it gives the children the feeling that yes, they belong in this world, and have value.  I have seen the value of early inclusion in my two sons- both have different abilities and disabilities, and both had good early inclusion experiences, which…

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Early Inclusion Facilitator Certificate, and more!

It has been such a busy September, it’s hard to believe that it is over halfway done!  The presentation I did on “Building Your AT Toolkit for Independent Living”  with Parents Helping Parents went really well. I had great feedback, and I learned some things as well- my favorite kind of webinar!  I also have…

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Keeping Access Tools Available, Always

On the weekend of 9/11, I was again reminded of how important it is always to keep the accessibility tools out and available.  In particular, this post is about emergency evacuation stairchairs.   On 9/11, those tools saved at least one life, and the need to have them available was clearly shown (more information can…

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Back to School = Support a Teacher Time

It is “back to school” time, at least here in California, with many schools starting up in the next few weeks.  With the shortage of teachers, and poor funding of classrooms, it is time, I believe, to also think about how we can support those teachers that are in the classrooms- new ones, as well…

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Early Literacy for All

I recently acquired a large, black Velcro-compatible table-top display stand.  Its initial purpose is as a marketing display tool.  However, I also can see myself using it to display story props, communication icons, and visual routines- all kinds of things that would promote early literacy for all!   The above picture is an example of how…

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What am I up to now?

I am thrilled to announce my presentation, “Storytime for ALL!” has been chosen for the 9th annual statewide Inclusion Collaborative Inclusioneers Thrive! Conference.  It will be a hybrid model, with options for both in-person and online only, October 18-20th.  Interested in finding out more, and signing up for it?  I still am not sure…

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